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The Develo EMR is set up to deliver on core practice management, clinical, and billing workflows for outpatient pediatric clinics. If billing services are of interest, that is available as an optional add-on.

Patients and their caregivers receive automated text messages regarding their upcoming visits. This includes visit confirmation, cancellation, and reminder notifications, as well as the flexibility to confirm visit attendance plans or request to reschedule a visit. Patients and their caregivers can also be prompted to digitally complete practice forms and screenings ahead of their visit with results flowing directly into the Develo EMR, ready for the practice to review.

Faxes are received and sent directly from Develo, seamlessly integrating with task management workflows such as clinical result review and electronic completion and send-out of patient forms.

Develo supports sending prescriptions electronically through an integrated e-prescribing module. Prescriptions are sent directly to the patient's pharmacy of choice without the need to print out a script or use a prescription pad. Prescribers can select from a complete library of medications, including controlled substances, and specify the appropriate dose for the patient without leaving the EMR.

Develo brings in cutting edge growth chart and immunization record capabilities that are paired with pediatrics-specific documentation of a patient's medical history. The EMR also features extensive templates covering well child visits as well as common sick visit chief complaints.

Develo comes with a comprehensive, in-built set of templates for common visit types that create a tight link between orders, diagnoses, and billing codes to streamline the majority of your charge capture needs. These product features are designed to increase accuracy, reduce documentation burden, and mitigate the likelihood of missed and/or erroneous charges when finalizing billing for a visit.