Electronic health information export

Develo's FHIR-native, HL7-enabled, interoperability-oriented pediatric software stack is built to be compliant with the latest ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT, specifically criteria §170.315(b)(10): Electronic Health Information export. This includes adherence to relevant updates per the 21st Century CURES Act. Accordingly, the Develo EHR supports the timely export of computable electronic health information for both:

  • A single patient (normally requested by patient or authorized caregiver)
  • Patient population consisting of the practice's entire patient panel (most commonly requested by practice staff)

Single patient

Authorized users with specific admin permissions can export EHI data for a single patient by following the instructions below:

  1. Open up the patient's chart via Schedule or Patients sections of the Develo EHR
  2. Navigate to 'Docs' tab within the patient's chart
  3. Click on 'More'
  4. Select 'Export chart data'
  5. The patient export will be generated
  6. Upon export completion, export download will be initiated

Entire patient panel

Practice staff can request an entire patient panel export on a case-by-case basis. For additional support regarding population-level EHI exports, including expedited and/or customized exports which may incur a one-time fee, please reach out to Develo support at support@getdevelo.com.

Of note, authorized users can run self-serve reports to access select administrative, clinical, and/or financial information pertaining to their entire patient panel or a defined subset of their patient panel. However, these targeted reports do not cover the full scope of an entire patient panel export.

Technical specifications

Develo offers EHI exports in FHIR format, specifically through an implementation of the FHIR $everything operation. The output of the request is a FHIR bundle with all resources belonging to the patient for whom the request is made. The FHIR Bundle created from this operation is the supported machine readable EHI export format for the Develo EHR.

Authorized users access note

The ability to perform EHI exports is available to users with the proper administrative access. If you do not see the above options for single patient and/or entire patient panel EHI exports, please reach out to your practice leadership or to Develo support at support@getdevelo.com.